Sabado, Pebrero 9, 2013


A father’s love, oh how sweet! Yes! I really mean it is. Most of us think of a mother’s love are more warm and tender, but we never often think the same for fathers. God has created a father’s love to compliment a mother’s love.
They were both created to shower love in their family for any different ways. With the presence of it, family would create a perfect chemistry that would make them ride through the roughest road.
Some says that fathers cannot really love like mothers do. Oh, yes they can. In fact, there would be no competition, nor lack of love from different sides.
However, society expects fathers to be more committed to their career. So his family has been the source of his strength and stability.
This instance, let me introduce to you my father, Alberto Vidal, he is the ever loving father in the universe that could fought for even a thousand wars just to assure us in well.
For me, he is the face of a true father. He wishes nothing but the very best for us. He is hardworking. My father was often going to bed late from work and wakes up early morning to start again to work.
He is generous of sustaining us in our needs as well as our wants. He molded and disciplined us to be a better person. He is patient and calm but when his family put in vain, believe me, you will not like what he can do.
Fathers are good but my father is best. I will love him not for the rest of my life but the rest of his.
I’m thanking God for giving me such loving father.

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